by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Sep 28, 2017 | Ancestors, Plant Priestess |
What if there were Plant Priestesses? Bringing the sacredness of plants back to humans. Guarding plant communities for the good of humanity, for the good of the natural systems of the world. Advocating for them to live because they are medicine – heart, soul,...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Sep 27, 2017 | herbs
milky oat tops Avena sativa The same oats eaten for oatmeal are also used as a medicinal too. Every heard someone say grass is only for bunnies? Nope. Humans eat grasses too. Oats are one of them. The best part of an oat plant to use is the seed at milky stage and...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Jul 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Learning herbalism made me dig deep and not just in the soil Don’t have enough time or energy to study herbalism? I hear ya. Here’s how I did it. Taking a year-long intensive Master Herbalism Program (MHP) seemed manageable considering I had some of the...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Jul 5, 2017 | Sharing
Once upon a time I wanted to be an herbalist. I talked myself out of it . . . over and over and over. I convinced myself not to be an herbalist for so many years. I tried to ignore it and rationalize it away. But, it didn’t go away. The pull to connect with plants is...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | May 23, 2017 | Trees & Shrubs
This is the start of my series called “Mini MM” which stands for Mini Materia Medica. Materia Medica is a collection of remedies and in this case, herbal information. Crampbark is a common ornamental shrub in my neck of the woods – Wisconsin. After...