4 Tips for growing your own medicinal plants

herb garden

Growing medicinal herbs for personal use doesn’t mean you need a farm.

In some cases, a small supply of herbs goes a long way. 

Which herbs should you start with? 


  1. Get a planting plan together. Start with herbs you know you like the taste or smell of. Or, plant herbs you want to learn more about. Even if you don’t know what their medicinal properties are still get a planting plan together.


  2. Second, find out what kind of light requirements they need – full sun, part shade, full shade? If your area only gets morning sun then grow plants that are for part to full shade. Full sun refers to at least 6 hours of afternoon sun.
  3. Determine how much space you have and decide if you can plant in the ground, create raised garden beds, or use containers.


  4. For the first growing season, of intentionally planting herbs for medicinal use, start learning about the herbs known medicinal uses.
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