by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Nov 7, 2017 | herbs
I was in a closed facebook group for entrepreneurs just practicing doing a live video. Well I think it went pretty good and gave me a bit of a chuckle watching the replay. So might as well share it with the world hahaha!!! The herbal tip is about a a tea that eases...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Sep 27, 2017 | herbs
milky oat tops Avena sativa The same oats eaten for oatmeal are also used as a medicinal too. Every heard someone say grass is only for bunnies? Nope. Humans eat grasses too. Oats are one of them. The best part of an oat plant to use is the seed at milky stage and...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Aug 27, 2016 | Ancestors, herbs |
Herbal Ways to Connect to Our Ancestors was written by Herbalists, Amy Shea of Wise Waters Botanicals and Erin LaFaive of Full Circle Herbals. I thought I heard an ancestor saying, “Hullo, Erin”, this morning, while I was working in the garden. It was so loud I stood...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Jun 23, 2016 | herbs |
4 Tips for growing your own medicinal plants Growing medicinal herbs for personal use doesn’t mean you need a farm. In some cases, a small supply of herbs goes a long way. Which herbs should you start with? Get a planting plan together. Start with herbs...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | May 8, 2016 | DIY projects, herbs |
This video shows how to make wood violet honey, what it’s traditionally used for in food and medicinal...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Mar 23, 2016 | DIY projects, herbs, Kids activities |
I used this video to learn how to use plant colors to dye eggs and imprint leaf shapes on the egg. Helpful hint: make the hosiery as tight as you can to hold the leaves on and keep the dye from going under it. Onion skins work very well; I also used dried...