by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Feb 2, 2021 | Uncategorized |
Here in Wisconsin, the snow is still on the ground, evergreens are the only thing in the green spectrum, and everything feels still. Movement outside is mainly from the crows, sometimes a woodpecker, cardinal, or chickadee. A few times a day I see a person or two...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Nov 18, 2020 | Podcast |
What does mugwort have to do with the moon? How can it be a soother of the stomach and a purgative at the same time? This podcast shares some herbal and magical tips about mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). Erin LaFaive Full Circle Herbals · Podcast 11 - Herbal and Magical...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Sep 7, 2020 | Podcast |
Purchasing herbs is one way to acquire herbs for a home herbal apothecary and wildcrafting is another way. In this episode I share what wildcrafting is, why you’d want to do it, how to go about it in a safe way, and tips during your wildcrafting experience. I’ll...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Aug 29, 2020 | Podcast, Uncategorized |
This podcast is about resisting the need for a perfect garden and how a garden can teach you life lessons. The garden is a great place to learn about life and gather inspiration. I share my experience from a year ago that my garden was way too messy for my standards...
by ErinLaFaive!2016! | Aug 13, 2020 | Podcast |
Another top 10 herb in Erin’s apothecary. Chamomile has long been used for calming the nervous system and soothing the stomach for kids and adults. Learn how to make a vegetable glycerin tincture as well as grow, harvest, and dry this little flower. Learn some tips on...