
Herbal Wisdom Archetypes

Which archetype represents your herbal pathway?

Come Back to Your Essence . . .

I know many of you are looking to or actively incorporating herbs and plants into your life’s journey. You may find challenges along the way as you navigate this herbal journey.

You might be:

  • living in a society that diminishes herbal remedies as inferior or dangerous
  • unsure which herbs to use 
  • overwhelmed from all the choices of herbs 

Despite these challenges you continue on your herbal pathway because you feel the herbal wisdom calling to you from deep within. As if it’s part of your bones and cellular make up.

You just can’t get away from the calling . . . longing . . . connection . . . to the herbs, plants, and green world.

It’s just a part of you. Your essence.

I know many of you want to express this essence of yourself even more. 

That’s where the archetypes come in. They are such potent energies to guide us to our essence.

take the quiz to identify which archetype represents your current herbal journey

You’ll receive a beautiful free report via email.

Learn herbal wisdom with the archetypes of the priestess, witch, healer. Let them guide the way instead of the analytical dominant paradigms.

When you come to embrace and trust your inner healer, priestess, and/or witch you can create an intimate interconnection with herbs.  You’ll feel grounded, centered, and in “right” relationship with not only plants, but also the essence of who you are.

Find out how these archetypes transform into the herbal pathway when you take the receive your results.


After taking the quiz, you’ll receive a free report with:


message from the archetype


one embodiment action to embrace this archetypes


description of the archetype


invitation for next steps to further explore the archetype 


Stand in the center of who you truly are – connected with plants

a women looking at a cup of tea<br />

take the quiz to identify which archetype represents your current herbal journey

You’ll receive a beautiful free report via email.

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