
Praise and Testimonials

Awesome calming herbs class with Erin today, thank u!
Kerri K, 2015

I enjoy working with Erin for a more holistic/natural approach to health care issues. Her knowledge, experience and passion for her work are great gifts and it is evident that she does her ‘homework’ having taken my individual needs into consideration.
Rev Sandra McKinney, 2015

A statement giving praise to a herbal workshop
The profession of herbalism requires clinical competence, fantastic field skills and a balanced combination of intuition and science. Erin embodies all of these in her botanical medicine work.
Gigi Stafne

MH, ND, Director, Green Wisdom School of Natural & Botanical Medicine & Executive Director, Herbalists Without Borders Intl)

The nourishing infusions workshop today was a very valuable investment – worth every penny in fact. I gained a wealth of knowledge, new skills, as well as brought home several herbs and some very versatile skin cream. Erin, is an amazing teacher. She communicates well, she is very easy to listen to and understand, and her educational training and life experience shine through as she teaches others. I look forward to anther workshop in the future, and I am thankful for the time I spent with like-minded individuals today.

praise for full circle herbal consultations
I have been blessed to know Erin as both a co-educator and student of herbalism. Her loving heart provide a guide for a deeper connection to our green world. She is an articulate writer/author, a masterful teacher and a healing force in the world. She has the perfect blend of science and ancestral roots to bring balance to our chaotic world through the wisdom of the plants.
By Lora Krall, RN, BSN, BA Master Herbalist

Review Team Member, Science and Art of Herbalism by Rosemary Gladstar

The plant priestess circle has helped me to rekindle my love for herbs. In the seventies I was all into plants and nature but life took over and I lost touch. Meeting you and the ppc has gotten me back on track. Your constant guidance inspires me to take up learning more about herbs, trees and other plants, plant seeds to grow my own herbs and connect to nature and earth spirit and energies. I am so happy to be able to call myself a plant priestess now as well.I enjoy all your videos, they always add something extra to my day.
Elly V.

Plant Priestess Circle member since 2017

Plant priestess circle is AMAZING. You get so much information. Erin breaks all the information down in good sizable and understandable chunks that you are able to learn and understand.

I love the fact that Erin explains why you can be and are a Plant Priestess. For me that makes me feel like a complete advocate for the Plant Kingdom and from this I have completely changed how I see and honor them.

Michelle H.

Plant Priestess Circle member since 2018

I have wanted to learn natural remedies and have been drawn to dirt and plants since like forever. Then I came across your plant priestess exploration course and found EXACTLY what I’ve been yearning for. Erin’s geniune passion for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants combined with her wide breadth of both academic and spiritual experience and knowledge made me fall in love with this community. There is just such a wealth of resources and I am so glad I found this community.

Yes definitely. I have such a better connection with my indoor as well as outdoor plants and I feel I have a deeper connection to nature in general. My intuition is improving and I feel more connected to God even though I am Christian and some might say you can’t do tarot and gems and believe in that God. Not true but that’s a whole different convo. I now call God Father Creator now. 💗 Do it💗 Don’t let fear, concern for what others might think, or any other distractions get in the way. Be still, trust and follow your ❤

I just really appreciate how Erin is genuinely wanting to reconnect people to their roots. (I had to lol) Seriously though, she genuinely wants to reconnect people back to nature while promoting health and well-being for all and she makes this a very safe community where you can learn so much and really grow at whatever pace you desire.

Trelene E.

Wanted to learn the natural way of healing myself and my family without all the chemicals that’s in pharmaceutical medicine unless we absolutely need it. We really need plants in our lives. Take your time with learning and have fun with it!

Thank you Erin for this wonderful opportunity 💜🖤💚

Kim W.

In accordance with Wisconsin law and professional standards, the purpose of Full Circle Herbals, LLC is for educational information about Complementary & Alternative Medicine subjects. It is not intended to take the place of personalized medical counseling, diagnosis and/or treatment by a trained medical physician. Herbs and other botanicals are classified by the Food and Drug Administration as food products, to date. Botanicals are not classified as “medicines”. 
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