
Upcoming classes and events

Herbal Study Club  | Monthly |

Location: Broom and Crow, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
I’ll be teaching herbalism, herb gardening, and herbal magick at this retreat. 

Feb. 29 Cottonwood, 3:30-5pm (tickets here)
March 21 Burdock, 3:30-5pm (tickets here)
April 25 Hibiscus, 10-11:30am (tickets here)
May 23 Echinacea, 10-11:30am (tickets here)

Herbal Study Club

Grow your herbal knowledge each month in a small group setting with exclusive access to herbalist and Plant Priestess, Erin LaFaive. Each session is ninety minutes long with lessons about identification of the featured herb, how to use it for wellness and magical purposes, an herbal remedies recipe, and hands-on activity.

Erin LaFaive has over 10 years of horticultural experience, a Master Herbalist certificate, and a wide range of involvement with other “ways of knowing.”

Extend the learning session right into your own home when you bring the featured herb with you in the form of an herbal remedy or other project. Instructions are provided on what to do with the remedy when it’s taken home.

If you’re looking for a way to stay motivated and commit to your desire to learn herbal knowledge, then pre-register, put it on the calendar and look forward to meeting others in a small cozy group.

Each session is $30. Register for all 4 and receive a 20% discount (only available by registering at Broom and Crow). Pre-registration is required because of limited seating and supplies.

Herbal Workshop | November 23, 2019| at Bushel and a Peck Apple Orchard 

 Details coming soon


Please contact me - I'd love to hear from you!

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In accordance with Wisconsin law and professional standards, the purpose of Full Circle Herbals, LLC is for educational information about Complementary & Alternative Medicine subjects. It is not intended to take the place of personalized medical counseling, diagnosis and/or treatment by a trained medical physician. Herbs and other botanicals are classified by the Food and Drug Administration as food products, to date. Botanicals are not classified as “medicines”. 
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